Kindness Does Not Equal Weakness

Do not mistake my kindness for weakness.

It used to bewilder me when I, as a high school teacher, would be kind to my students and they would respond by trying to take advantage of me. You see, I was reared to treat others the way you want to be treated (Luke 6:31).

You have probably heard or seen variations of the antithesis of the Golden Rule on bumper stickers and t-shirts: “Do unto others before they do unto you” or “Do unto others and then split.” Unfortunately, we also have borne witness to the devastating effects of those who practice these principles in real life.

I suppose I am a slow learner. I am still amazed when I try to be kind to people who then think they can (as Mamaw Ruby would say) “run all over me.” I may look like sweet, filigreed wrought iron, all swirls and delicate curlicues, but make no mistake. Beneath the surface of the lacy design beats a heart of iron, forged through a refiner’s fire (Zechariah 13:9).

Do not mistake my kindness for weakness.